MooingCat's Forge of Empires Guides

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Postmodern Era Units in Industrial Age!

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In this guide I will show you how to get Postmodern Era (PME) units in Industrial Age (INA)! I would consider the PME units the 2nd big milestone in your Higher Age Units adventure after the first PE units. Particularly the MG Team units you'll be able to get are AMAZING! They're a complete game changes, and will make your continent map fights much easier (and quicker). They're also great in GBG and GE, allowing you to start doing some more auto-fighting here! If you wanna see me take all the PME provinces, check out this video:

In total you will be able to get the following higher age units:

Postmodern Era: 7 Commando (Light), 6 MG Team (Ranged), 1 Champion (Heavy).

Forge of Empires higher age units postmodern era

Table of Contents

Goods Required (excluding technologies)

Negotiating Cai Chet Nui:

  • INA: 25 Coke, 50 Fertilizer, 50 Textiles, 50 Whale Oil
  • PE: 50 Asbestos, 25 Explosives, 25 Gasoline, 50 Machine Parts, 25 Tinplate
  • ME: 25 Convenience Food, 50 Ferroconcrete, 25 Flavorants, 25 Luxury Materials, 50 Packaging

Negotiating Rung Chien Dau (2 Sectors):

  • INA: 2*25 Goods
  • PE: 2*25 Goods
  • ME: 2*25 Goods

The exact goods depends on which 2 sectors you negotiate, you can check the costs here:

Technologies Required

Techs Required:

  • 3 Technologies (any)

This can be any technologies. In addition to that, you also need to build various buildings, so you need to make sure to either have researched them or gotten enough from GE, Events, Daily Challenges etc. You should already have all of these researched, but I'll just leave them here anyways :)

Buildings Required:

  • 1 Current Age Military Buildings
  • 1 Current Age OR 2 Previous Age Culture Buildings
  • 3 Current Age Decorations
  • 1 Current Age OR 2 Previous Age Culture Buildings

Continent Map Overview

Postmodern Era Map Overview

When it comes to the continent map, there are a few restrictions you need to keep in mind. There are a few different ways you can do this map that should result in getting all units, but because I did it one way I can only speak to that and will use that order in this guide. So, first of all you need to make sure you negotiate Cai Chet Nui (marked as province 1 in image) and for now negotiate at most 2 sectors of Rung Chien Dau (province 7). After that you should follow the order in the image, which will quite quickly give you the 5 MG Team. After the first province you can decide if you want to fight and/or negotiate the remaining provinces (though don't continue on Rung Chien Day (7) until after completing Rung Trai (6)).

Whenever you have completed a province you can start scouting the next one immediately, no need to wait at any point.

Postmodern Era Story Quests

Below you'll find a list of all the PME story quests in the order you get them if you follow my suggested path on the continent map.

1) Here we go! Reach the PME continent map.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

2) Scout the first two provinces. Don't take any sectors yet.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3) Spend 22 FPs and gather 220k supplies.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 1) At some point among the first few quests you will get a set of side quests, starting with this one. To complete it negotiate 2 sectors of each of the provinces you just scouted (but not more yet!). I believe you can abort this if you want, I don't think it is required to trigger the story quests that give MG Team, but I'm not 100% sure, so abort at your own risk. In any case, I would complete it for the diamonds anyways.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 2) This you can abort if you want, or you can complete it for the random rewards.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 3) This you can abort if you want, or you can complete it for the random rewards.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 4) Delete 4 units and spend 12 FPs. Here you get your first PME unit! It's an alright unit to fight with, though it'll soon be replaced by MG Teams :)
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 5) This you can abort if you want, or you can complete it for the random rewards.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

3 Side Quest 6) This you can abort if you want, or you can complete it to get 1 Rogue.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

4) Infiltrate 2 sectors of each of the first two provinces.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

5) Negotiate all remaining sectors of Cai Chet Nui (the northern province, 1 on my map overview) and aid 15 players. Don't do any more sectors of Rung Chien Dau before required by quests.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

6) Scout the province north of of the province you just took, and fight / nego all sectors of it (Sot Dam Lay).
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

7) Pay the supplies and complete 5 8-hour productions (in any production buildings, including "special" ones like Terrace Farms, Sleigh Builders, etc)
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

8) Pay the supplies and complete 6 8-hour productions. Finally, you have your first MG Teams! These will be a game changer on the continent map and elsewhere, have fun!
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

9) Infiltrate 2 sectors and Fight / Nego 3 sectors. This can be any lower age sectors, or if you have already scouted Trung Doi you can do it ther. You need 2 infiltrate 2 Trung Doi sectors later on anyways, so you might as well do it there now.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

10) Pay the supplies and complete 7 8-hour productions. And here we go, you now have all the MG Team! Having 5 really helps a lot when taking provinces, much easier to take them in one go without using diamonds on healing them!
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

11) Scout the two provinces north of Sot Dam Lay (Trung Doi and Day Du Ao). If you infiltrated 2 sectors of Trung Doi for quest 9 the second part will be auto-completed, if not infiltrate 2 sectors.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

12) Fight / Nego all sectors of Trung Doi.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

13) Scout the province north of Trung Doi (Khay Huyen Bay Gio) and Fight / Nego one sector of it.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

14) Pay the supplies and complete 10 8-hour productions.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

15) Fight / Nego the remaining sectors of Khay Huyen Bay Gio and gather the goods. You can start scouting the next province for quest 19.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

16) Pay the coins and recruit 2 current or 4 previous age units. You can do this in GE, GBG, PvP Arena, Royal Bathhouse (Egypt Settlement Reward), Events, and/or simply through military buildings.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

17) Pay the supplies and delete 3 current or 4 previous age units.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

18) Spend 22 FPs and Fight / Nego all sectors of Day Du Ao.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

19) Scout the province next to Khay Huyen Bay (Rung Trai) and infiltrate 4 sectors. If you take (Fight / Nego) all sectors the second part will be auto-completed, though if you do you will skip over the quests Take Him Down and Finish Him!. These will give 2 random rewards and 6 FPs, so up to you if you want those or not. Personally I took all sectors for this quest, so I skipped right to the quest Minh Ho-Chi:
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

20) Gain 1.1k Population and Happiness. This can easily be done by buying and selling buildings, or for example by placing an event special building, those usually give both population and happiness.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

21) Now you're back to the western side of the story! Fight / Nego the remaining sectors of Rung Chien Dau, and scout the next two provinces. I had already taken all sectors of Rung Chien Day when I completed the previous quest, so I might have skipped over a quest to acquire Rung Chien Dau. If that's the case, simply complete that first! Then Fight / Nego all sectors of Phuc Kich.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

22) Scout the sector north of Phuc Kich (Mau Mat Dat) and Fight / Nego one sector of that province. (Start scouting the sector to the west of Phuc Kich when you've scouted Mau Mat Dat)
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

23) Research any technology and spend 32 FPs.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

24) Build 1 current or 2 previous age culture buildings and Fight / Nego at least another 2 sectors of Mau Mat Dat. You can take all sectors now if you want.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

25) Fight / Negotiate all sectors of Ciai Cuu Binh Minh. If you've taken all Mau Mat Dat sectors start scouting the province to the north.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

26) Aid 20 players and build 3 current age decorations (you can't unlock peace sculpture (PME decoration))
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

27) Fight / Nego the remaining Mau Mat Dat sectors and delete 3 current or 4 previous age units. Start scouting the province to the north if you haven't already.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

28) Spend the FPs and gather the goods.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

29) Finish a 5-min production 10 times (in any production building) and gather 200k coins.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

30) Scout the province north of Mau Mat Dat (Dong Bang Song) and Fight / Nego 4 sectors of the province.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

31) Fight / Nego all remaining Dong Bang Son sectors.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

32) Gain Population and Happiness. This can easily be done by buying and selling buildings, or for example by placing an event special building, those usually give both population and happiness.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

33) Scout the final PME province (Ong Chu Cuoi Cung)!
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

34) Infiltrate 3 sectors of Ong Chu Cuoi Cung and research any technology.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

35) Spend the FPs and gather the goods.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

36) Fight / Nego 2 sectors of Ong Chu Cuoi Cung and build 1 current or 2 previous age culture buildings.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

37) Fight / Nego another 3 sectors of Ong Chu Cuoi Cung and research any technology.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

38) FIght / Nego the remaining sectors of Ong Chu Cuoi Cung and recruit 6 current or 8 previous age units. You can do this in GE, GBG, PvP Arena, Royal Bathhouse (Egypt Settlement Reward), Events, and/or simply through military buildings.
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

39) DON'T ABORT OR COMPLETE THIS QUEST! When you complete this side quest you will get a PME story quest that requires you to research a PME technology. If you want further higher age units you need to keep this quest active at all times. Only abort or complete this when you have gotten all the higher age units you want!
Forge of Empires Postmodern Era Story Quest

Skipping Contemporary Era

Due to unavoidable Tech Blockers, you have to skip the CE story quest if you want to get TE+ units. Luckily, this is quite easy to do, and you should be fine fighting through the CE map with your PME units. That said, you can fight and/or negotiate as you wish, there are no requirements for how you take the sectors. The only requirement here is to skip Salfah and Suqqah (see image below), that is very important.

Also, while you are going through the CE continent map you shouldn't do any quests. This includes story, side and recurring quests. I don't think you need to 100% adhere to this in regards to recurring quests, but I'm not sure when it's ok to them, so I would play it safe and simply ignore all types of quests while going through CE.

Contemporery Era Map Overview

Follow this order, skipping the two provinces marked with red crosses!

Thank you very much for reading, and good luck on your own adventure! Check out my next guide on getting TE units in INA here: